
Why is Toxic Algae an Issue?

One of ATS’ expert water treatment consultants, Randy McIff, explains what toxic algae is, how it becomes a problem, and how to keep your community safe.

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My name is Randy McIff, and I’m the Director of Water and Wastewater Treatment with ATS. I’ve been a water treater for over 30 years, and I’ve worked in the industrial and municipal sides of the business both pre- and post-treatment.
What is toxic algae? Toxic algae is called blue-green algae or cyanobacteria. It really is a cyanobacteria. What is toxic about it, is when it is killed off by using chlorine, bleach, ozone—as it dies, you’ve lysed or pierced the cell and therefore all the toxins inside are then released into your water supply, making it not only taste bad and smell bad, but also dangerous to your community.

There are ways to control blue-green algae without lysing the cell. We have several of those methods; we would be happy to help you use them. It will make your water taste better; it’ll keep your community safe.

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