
Our Process

Location Specific Chemistry

We don’t believe in one-size-fits-most chemistry. We believe that each location and its circumstances are unique, and need custom-blended solutions combined with particular protocols for an effective water treatment process.

If you’ve got a water treatment plant in Ohio, your circumstances and challenges will be different from a similar plant in southern California. A wastewater treatment plant in a small town in Maine will have its own unique issues, different from that of a plant in Tampa, Florida. We know that, and we understand that every location is different.

Our expert consultative team carefully considers the circumstances at your location to determine the right chemistry and correct protocols to solve your problems, while saving you money.

Virtual Plant Walkthrough

We start each plant evaluation by asking the right questions and listening to you. We tour your site and survey your facility, and review your equipment and processes. We’ll identify key areas where you can improve water quality while reducing costs.

We’ll ask about your algae situation or if you’ve got mussels. And we want to know about your headworks. Do you have problems with polymer shearing? We’ll ask questions about your floc basin, backwash procedures, and scaling problems. Are you meeting DBP standards? We want to know about taste and odor complaints and when those happen during the year, and if your solids are dry enough. Asking these questions and listening to your answers helps give us the clearest picture of your plant’s situation.

Determining the best, smartest water solutions for you is much more important to us than selling bulk chemicals or purchasing equipment. We consider every aspect of your environment to provide the best, full water treatment plant lifecycle management processes.

Actual Results

Once customers experience our specialty chemistry and cost savings, they’re clients for life.

Texas water treatment plant (50 MGD)

  • Cleared algae mat in clarifiers
  • Cleared algae from structural steel
  • Saved plant $1,250 per day during the season

North Carolina (2 reservoirs)

  • Algae reduced
  • TOC reduction improved from 45 percent to more than 55 percent
  • Manganese improved


  • Reduced activated carbon consumption by 50 percent


  • Geosmin reduced from 900 ppt to 20 ppt

Southwest US water treatment plant (40 MGD)

  • Saved more than $1.4 million annually with our chemistry and protocols

These are only a few examples of our money-saving revolutionary chemistry and exceptional service. We listen to your problems, evaluate and investigate your facility and equipment, and use our expertise, knowledge and decades of experience to customize a solution that will fix your issues and save you money in the water treatment process.

Recently one of our customers said he was reluctant to try our chemistry because of the cost. But after we evaluated his site and applied the right chemistry combined with the best protocols, he ended up saving a significant amount of money. He told us “Don’t tell my boss—he thinks I’m brilliant.”

Listen, investigate, customize—these are the hallmarks of ATS Innova’s business.

Our Solutions

ATS Innova is proud to provide organizations with cutting-edge technology developed, tested, and proven around the world and make these innovations available at a fraction of the cost of traditional treatment methods. Whatever water problem you have, ATS Innova has the solutions for you.

Or Talk to an ATS Innova Water Expert Immediately
