
What are Tocs? (Total Organic Carbon)

Randy McIff, a water treatment expert at ATS Innova,describes what total organic carbon, or tocs are and how they can be reduced.

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From the Video:

My name is Randy McIff and I’m the Director of Water and Waste Water Treatment with ATS. I’ve been a water treater for over 30 years and I’ve worked in the industrial and municipal sides of business both pre- and post-treatment.

Total organic carbon is anything that once was alive in your water. It doesn’t necessarily have to still be alive but because it will react with chlorine to form either a haloacetic acid or a total trihalomethane and become a disinfection by-product that’s why we’re asked to reduce it.

How do we reduce it? There’s lot of steps to doing that. A lot of the steps you’ve been given in your current process don’t work under the new process and/or you don’t have enough of a margin when you’re testing your water. What we want to do is show you how you can have a margin of error so you’re never even close to violating that new permit. Give us a call. We can help you get there.

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