
Wastewater treatment plants have a big job to do, so ensuring the right products used is crucial. Many plants use enzymes to treat water; however, they only do part of the job. Bioaugmentation wastewater treatment proves far more superior in aiding with digestion. With our new product line, Innova MB, ™ our wastewater treatment microbiology does the whole job with proven performance that saves you time and money; it also improves sludge settlement and aids in odor reduction.

What is the Difference Between Enzymes and Bacillus Bacteria?

There are some key differences between enzymes and bacillus bacteria worth noting. Enzymes merely break up and liquefy FOG (fat, oil, grease) in wastewater, without digesting it. Our bacillus or wastewater treatment microbiology makes their own enzymes, depending on the substrate they need to break down, which then eliminates the problem; it’s also aerobic and under some conditions, anaerobic. To further explain, smaller molecules of fat created, initially pass down the drain with no problems; however, eventually, these fat molecules will congeal back together later down the water system. Blockages form when in the sewer system the liquid re-solidifies, thus creating problems for local authorities.

When these huge fat blockages are treated with enzymes, the main issue never resolves; all it does is move the problem to someone else. Enzymes may be a cheaper option, but if it’s ineffective, you must spend more money on more product that just places a bandage on the problem. Another huge issue is that if organic waste sits in drains to decompose, it produces a bad smell, likened to a “rotten egg.” Customers and staff start to complain, and if unresolved, results in revenue and reputation loss. Plus, flies and other vermin gravitate towards the waste, risking health and hygiene.

Wastewater treatment plant for wastewater treatment microbiology

Our Approach to Wastewater Treatment Microbiology

As stated above, bacillus bacteria or wastewater treatment microbiology is your best bet for treating wastewater. Other than reducing costs, it has been proven to perform with excellent results. We, at ATS Innova, believe taking a comprehensive approach must be applied. We look at engineering, water chemistry, operations, and the biology required for not only effective treatment but long-lasting treatment. To ensure products work efficiently, there are several things to take into consideration in wastewater treatment microbiology:


  • Environmental conditions
  • Testing
  • Functionality
  • Proper scheduling
  • Dosing


We made our products to work with a variety of wastewater treatment, each specifically designed to target problems. For instance, MB-200 dramatically reduces the number of costly grease trap cleanouts. In sludge tanks, it’s quite effective at breaking down organic material, thus improving your digestion and dewatering process. Bacillus bacteria provides a safe and effective treatment solution to lift stations, and MB-400 aids in increasing dissolved oxygen, reduces surface water nutrient buildup, and improves clarity in ponds and lagoons.

Contact ATS Innova to Learn More about Our MB Product Line

For more information about our products and how we can help you with your wastewater treatment, please contact us. We offer a FREE plant walkthrough, where we discuss with you your concerns and answer questions. Our goal is improving life…one drop at a time. Call us today at 855.215.4600. We are more than happy to address your needs and recommend the best course going forward.

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