
Advantages of Using Polymer Blends

Randy McIff, director of water and wastewater treatment discusses advantages to using specific polymer blends to help your water treatment facility.

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From the Video:

Randy Mciff: My name is Randy Mciff and I’m the director of water and wastewater treatment with ATS. I’ve been a water treater for over 30 years and I’ve worked in the industrial and municipal sides of business, both pre and post-treatment. What advantages are there using a polymer blend? Polymer blends are basically a blend of an inorganic and an organic, or a coagulant and a flocculent.

The advantage of using a blend is typically your coagulant will be much stronger. Therefore, you’re going to create much less solids. Less solids means your filters will run longer and you also have less solids handling. We’ve seen customers reduce their chemical cost by up to 80% by switching to one of our polymer blends. We’d sure love to talk to you about how this could affect your plant for the positive.

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