
Algaecide All Year Long

Randy McIff, a water treatment expert at ATS Innova, explains why using an algaecide all year long is important for your water treatment facilities.

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From the Video:

Randy Mciff: My name is Randy Mciff, and I’m the Director of Water and Wastewater Treatment with ATS. I’ve been a water treater for over 30 years, and I’ve worked in the industrial and municipal sides of business, both pre- and post-treatment.

Many people ask “Why should I use an algaecide all year long?” Let me take a step back and explain that back in the late ’70s, we discovered that when we pre-chlorinated water, we were causing disinfection byproducts. Those disinfection byproducts come from total organic carbon, and the byproducts that we create, most of them are carcinogenic. Therefore, we want to reduce as many as possible. Therefore, we do not pre-chlorinate any longer.

So if you want the advantages of having a plant that is working at the efficiency it was designed for, the best solution is to use an algaecide. But not just any algaecide. They don’t all work the same. The process will make your plant work better. The water quality will improve. Your total organic carbons will be reduced. Your disinfection byproducts will be reduced. And if you are watching your operations, you can actually reduce that amount of coagulant and flocculant, as well as disinfectant you’re using as an end product.

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