
If you’ve noticed all the press with the infamous fatberg in Wales this month, you know what happened and how it happened. However, the community may not know or care. The supposedly benign things they stuff down their sink or flush down their toilets, as you know, could result in health hazards. You need solutions to prevent that from happening; however, before we discuss the cure, let’s talk about sanitary system overflow dangers.

Sanitary System Overflow Dangers

Besides property and environmental damage, SSO’s affect aquatic life and water quality in oceans, rivers, lakes, streams, and bays. This results in increased cost and man-hours. Contributing factors of Sanitary system overflow include blocked, broken, or cracked pipes and power failures that keep the system from working right. Tree roots block a sewer, causing an obstruction. Excess rainfall that flows through the ground adds to an SSO event.

As you know, sanitary system overflows have raw sewage that carries all sorts of nasty bugs, including:


  • Bacteria
  • Viruses
  • Protozoa
  • Intestinal worms
  • Inhaled molds and fungi


Negative health effects to this raw sewage results in mild to severe health conditions. These include mild gastroenteritis, which causes stomach cramping and diarrhea, and life-threatening ailments, such as infectious hepatitis, dysentery, cholera, and severe gastroenteritis. Exposure comes through direct contact in high public areas. Some examples include lawns, streets, basements, and recreational water use. Contaminated shellfish results in hundreds of cases of illness, yearly according to the EPA.

Preventing Sanitary System Overflow

Could the town of Sidmouth have prevented the fatberg? Yes! If the community knew the dangers of FOG and wet wipes, along with anything else that’s not easily biodegradable – and even fined for illegally dumping – SSO’s would decrease. It’s imperative, the community knows the consequences. For instance, Boston Water and Sewer Commission posts on their city website information for the public as part of a public outreach program. It includes how to prevent SSO’s and ways to maintain and repair pipes and sewers on their own property. They may need to upgrade, repair, or replace infrastructure. Expanding sewer systems can also help prevent SSO’s. Have an expert inspect their system and help when needed. These are great ways to get the community involved.

ATS Innova Uses Microbiology to Prevent SSO’s

As you can see, sanitary system overflow dangers the community and environment, but as a wastewater operator, you can prevent it and cure it with our help at ATS Innova. We developed our Innova MB product line to specifically handle these types of situations. Our synergistic blend of microbiological ingredients target wastewater challenges and help prevent SSOs from occurring in the first place. We reduce FOG, hydrogen sulfide, and more. Contact our water experts at 855.215.4600. We commit to improving life one drop at a time.

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