
Oxidation Ditches in Winter

Randy McIff, a water treatment expert at ATS Innova, discusses some of the issues with oxidation ditches during the winter months.

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From the Video:

Randy McIff: My name is Randy McIff and I’m the director of Water and Wastewater Treatment with ATS. I have been a water treater for over 30 years and I’ve worked in the industrial and municipal sides of business, both pre and post-treatment. I’ve been asked why oxidation ditches don’t work as well in the winter. Oxidation ditches are a type of wastewater treatment plant. Sometimes they’re called the racetrack, sometimes just oxidation ditch, but they basically have in the ditch oxic zones and anoxic zones. The reason they don’t work as well in the winter is because the water gets cold, and when it gets cold the bugs slow down and typically there’s not enough loading in the plant for the bugs to thrive, and they’re not going to thrive under the low temperature. There are ways to augment this. If you’ll talk to us, talk to us about your specifics, we can help you make your oxidation ditch work the way it was designed.

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