
You know the odor, it makes you cringe. Hydrogen sulfide or “rotten egg” smell is unmistakable. No one wants to smell the horrible odor – especially when the community starts complaining. In addition, hydrogen sulfide is poisonous and presents serious health risks to sewer collection system operators.  Ensuring a sewer collection system or lift station is free of odor is crucial to maintaining good relations with neighboring businesses and residents. Non-chemical treatment solutions involving bioaugmentation have emerged for sewer collection systems and lift station odor control and are the perfect solution.

What Causes the “Rotten Egg” Smell?

When sewer collection systems or lift stations start giving off that smell, one of the most significant factors is septic conditions. The condition is common in collection systems in warm environments, which have either a flat grade or don’t have a minimum flow-through velocity of two feet per second to prevent fluid stagnation.

When the bacteria use all the available oxygen while decomposing organic matter in wastewater for energy, unsanitary conditions develop. Low-velocity sewers encourage bacteria to reduce sulfates, which then produces sulfides.

Sulfides don’t oxidize under anaerobic wastewater conditions. When combined with hydrogen, sulfides produce hydrogen sulfide (H2S) gas, creating the not-so-pleasant “rotten egg” odor. Corrosion can also occur if above the water line is partially full. The wet surface allows aerobic bacteria to oxidize hydrogen sulfide gas and produce sulfuric acid; this attacks the calcium carbonate elements of concrete, thus resulting in deterioration.

Innova MB™ Bioaugmentation for Lift Station Odor Control

At ATS Innova, we know the issues associated with sewer collection systems and lift stations and have brought to market a microbiological solution to tackle the worst sewer collection system odor and buildup challenges. Innova MB products use a non-hazardous, environmentally responsible bioaugmentation solution to reduce and prevent noxious odors and poisonous H2S gas. Innova MB microbial solutions digest the solids, volatile fatty acids (VFAs), and FOG (fats, oils, and grease) to prevent H2S and VFA odors from forming.

Our products contain proprietary ingredients specially targeted to reduce odor and improve FOG digestion. Innova MB products work in:


  • Lift Stations
  • Sludge Tanks
  • Grease Traps
  • Wastewater
  • Ponds and Lagoons
  • Sewer Collection Systems
wastewater treatment virtual walk-through for lift station odor control

Contact ATS Innova Today

For lift station odor control and all your sewer treatment concerns and issues, contact ATS Innova today! We believe each situation and location is unique, and therefore needs its own approach. Our friendly representatives will address any questions or concerns you may have. We also offer FREE plant walk-throughs where we’ll ask pertinent questions and identify any problem areas. Our mission is to ensure treatment plants have clean water solutions that benefit their community and keep our precious water flowing in a safe environment.

We welcome your call to 855.215.4600, and hope you’ll reach out and allow us to be your wastewater treatment solution center!

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