Phosphorus and Its Effect on Wastewater Plants

Phosphorus and Its Effect on Wastewater Plants

Years ago, our laundry detergent had other uses beyond just cleaning laundry. If you had an oil spill in a driveway, for example, you could pour a little Tide and water on it and then come out an hour later and rinse everything away, including the oil. Likewise, if...

Water Solutions

Solutions ATS Innova Treats a Variety of Water Challenges Water Treatment Plants We don’t always meet disinfection byproduct (DBP) standards. We're tired of taste and odor complaints, to say nothing of our daily battle with algae and bacteria. Where can we turn for...

In the News

IN THE NEWS Have you been watching the news? Water problems are a growing concern, not only in your local community but throughout the entire world. Take a few moments to follow what news sources are saying about the remarkable results that ATS Innova is creating with...


Mainstream 635All-in-One Algaecide & Bactericide Conventional methods involves treating for algae after a bloom occurs, resulting in the need for high treatment levels and damage to non-target species. Mainstream 635 allows for long-term control and will prevent...