
What’s a Wastewater Fatberg and How You’re Contributing to It

If you’ve seen the original Ghostbusters II, you would know that under New York, a massive red, molten lava, thick slime coated the sewers and eventually, pushed up through the manholes and started devouring everything. It took cars in its grasp and people started...

Hydrogen Sulfide Effects on Humans and Why Removing it is Critical

In the last blog post, we discussed the effects of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) on infrastructure and how an excess of the colorless gas can corrode pipes, sewer lines, and other equipment. If that’s not bad enough, hydrogen sulfide effects can also corrode human health –...

Why H2S Results in Biogenic Sulfide Corrosion and How to Eliminate it

The development of H2S in sanitary sewer systems create major problems, including corrosion that carries its own challenges. When the anaerobic slime layer from submerged pipe walls rise into an airway portion of the sewer pipe and reacts with bacteria and moisture on...

Want an Alternative Treatment in Lift Station Odor Control with Higher Performance and Less Cost?

You know the odor, it makes you cringe. Hydrogen sulfide or “rotten egg” smell is unmistakable. No one wants to smell the horrible odor – especially when the community starts complaining. In addition, hydrogen sulfide is poisonous and presents serious health risks to...


Bioaugmentation Wastewater Treatment Introducing the Innova MB™ Product Line Recent advancements in bioaugmentation science have resulted in dramatic improvements in bacteria culture applications. Innova’s MB product line offers unique bioaugmentation blends for a...

In the News

IN THE NEWS Have you been watching the news? Water problems are a growing concern, not only in your local community but throughout the entire world. Take a few moments to follow what news sources are saying about the remarkable results that ATS Innova is creating with...