
It seems like it should be a simple problem to solve: Increase your total organic carbon (TOC) removal, decrease your dangerous DBPs, meet all federal and state water standards. But in practice, it’s anything but simple.

The Environmental Protection Agency requires every water treatment plant to limit the amount of total organic carbons in culinary water. There are a number of ways you can go about removal. There are reverse osmosis membranes, oxidation, UV radiation, etc. But Innova has a better solution.

TOC Matters

Total organic carbon levels often are used as a non-specific indicator of water quality or cleanliness. Disinfectants, like chlorine, are used to clean the water and make it safe to drink, but they cause new problems.

Disinfection byproducts, referred to as DBPs, are created as a result of the reaction of chemical disinfectants (like chlorine) and organic matter (TOCs). DBPs, like haloacetic acids and trihalomethanes, matter because they’re now known to cause cancers and reproductive problems. So the EPA has set limits, like it has for lead and other harmful material, for TOCs as the precursor of DBPs as well as the DBPs themselves.

Disinfectants are used to treat water to make it safe, and remove harmful elements. But the treatment products react with organic elements to create brand-new problems.

TOC Solutions

People need water that’s safe to drink. Federal and state agencies require water treatment plants to monitor water safety and limit harmful material. So you need a way to provide your customers with clean, safe water that meets all regulatory requirements. And you need to do it in a cost-effective way.

Solution: Innova.

Our unique chemistry and industry-recognized experts will rid your water of TOCs before they get through your headworks. This, in turn will reduce your harmful DBPs. Increased TOC reduction and lower DBPs aren’t the only benefits of Innova. We’ll get your chemistry and doses fine-tuned, which will result in impressive cost savings too.

Using our customizable chemistry will increase your TOC removal. It will reduce your need for other chemicals. And it will keep your plant in compliance, and save you money.



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