
Mainstream 635

All-in-One Algaecide & Bactericide

Conventional methods involves treating for algae after a bloom occurs, resulting in the need for high treatment levels and damage to non-target species. Mainstream 635 allows for long-term control and will prevent blooms from occurring without buildup of copper on the bottom surface.

Phosphorus Removal in Wastewater

Recent regulation underscores how important it is to keep your phosphorous levels in check, and ATS Innova has the answer.

PermaTote: Never Run Out of Chemistry Again

Using the right chemistry in your treatment process is one thing—keeping it flowing is another. Make sure your tote chemistry doesn’t run out with PermaTote.

Tired of Taste and Odor Complaints?

Attack and remove taste and odor problems at their source.

Reduce Sludge Water Content

Your plant could be hauling thicker solids less often with new dewatering innovations.

Want to Increase Filter Run Time?

Reduce sludge buildup and frequency of plant backwashes

ATS Innova Treats a Variety of Water Challenges

Water Treatment Plants

We don’t always meet disinfection byproduct (DBP) standards. We're tired of taste and odor complaints, to say nothing of our daily battle with algae and bacteria. Where can we turn for help for water solutions?

Wastewater Treatment Plants

Are there wastewater solutions that will reduce our operational costs? How much will reducing backwashes, algae, and sludge output improve our plant performance?

Surface Water Treatment

Our plant has algae and invasive mussels. Is there a fast and effective water treatment that's also safe for humans, animals and fish that will eradicate both algae and invasive mussels?

Water Treatment Plants

We don’t always meet disinfection byproduct (DBP) standards. We're tired of taste and odor complaints, to say nothing of our daily battle with algae and bacteria. Where can we turn for help?

Wastewater Treatment Plants

Are there wastewater solutions that will reduce our operational costs? How much will reducing backwashes, algae, and sludge output improve our plant performance?

Surface Water Application

Our plant has algae and invasive mussels. Is there a fast and effective water treatment that's also safe for humans, animals, and fish that will eradicate both algae and invasive mussels?

Or Talk to an ATS Innova Water Expert Immediately


Five secrets to optimize your water treatment and reduce costs

Is your water treatment process as efficient as it could be? Are there ways you could be saving money? Do you have taste and odor concerns, or problems with mussels or algae? Learn five secrets to immediately combat these and other common water treatment problems that plague the industry.

The first page of "Five Secrets that will significantly reduce your plant's operational costs."
The first page of "Five Secrets that will significantly reduce the waste in your wastewater."

Reduce the Waste in Your Wastewater Treatment Plan

Like most wastewater treatment facilities throughout the US, you’re battling all types of water issues and doing it on an ever tightening budget while facing more regulations. In this guide, ATS Innova offers five secrets that will reduce your wastewater treatment plant’s operational costs while giving you superior results.

How ATS Innova Can Help

Innovation Experts in Business Value Solutions

ATS Innova consultants use their vast expertise and customizable specialty chemistry to investigate and solve problems for our water treatment customers. Founded in 1979, ATS Innova, a subsidiary of ATS, is a premier provider of specialty chemical solutions for various water treatment applications, ultra-pure water systems, water optimization, and recovery systems. We apply science and technology to deliver innovative, safe, and environmentally-friendly solutions that are cost-effective and produce outstanding results.

Increase Water Performance and Reduce Maintenance Costs

We love working with the brightest minds in the water industry; together, we can solve your toughest water problems. Our ATS Innova consultants have the knowledge and chemistry to increase water performance and slash maintenance costs. We offer specially-blended chemistry and polymers that are proven to outperform your current processes. We’ll evaluate your problem and apply a custom blend of chemistry to meet your specific needs. You’ll see fast, measurable results at a significantly lower cost.

Custom Water Solutions

ATS Innova offers a full array of high-performance water chemistry solutions. We’ve got custom blends that attack and kill algae, bacteria, and zebra and quagga mussels—and they’re safe for drinking water and for humans, animals, and fish. These highly soluble, low-pH algaecide/bactericides are designed for use in lakes, ponds, reservoirs, sedimentation basins, irrigation canals, treatment lagoons and other water systems. Our custom-blended chemicals are registered by the U.S. EPA as an algaecide/bactericide and are certified to NSF Standard 60 as an addition to drinking water.

“ATS Innova came in and recommended that we change both our coagulant and flocculant as well as their feed points. I can’t get over how much better our plant is operating! Thanks!”

Water Superintendent

“Thank you for saving us money and manpower by suggesting products that work so well. We have never seen floc so big and heavy before we worked with Innova.”

Water Plant Manager

“Your rep was right, dead algae and bacteria are much easier to filter than live bacteria and algae! Our filter runs are longer, our pre-sed basins are cleaner as is our water.”

Water Plant Manager

“ATS Innova has cut our cost of treating water by 80%! They are really looking out for us and not just selling our plant products that might work.”

Water Plant Manager